Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fear Not

There are times in life in which we live in fear. As I submit this, my family is in grips of a fear and uncertainty unlike anything I ever thought we would experience. I do not know what tomorrow has for me, whether horrible or good, and simply live day by day awaiting some ill fate.  But is this really any different then a 'normal' life. Not one of you knows what tomorrow will bring outside the promises of the Bible, and those of you that do not hold to the Word don't even have that.
In week 5 of a series entitled "Doors - finding God's Will" a very interesting factoid about the Bible is brought up. Tommy Sparger asks " do you know what the most frequent command in the Bible is?" He then proceeds to grant the answer, and it may surprise you.  I'll give you two words as a hint:  "Fear not"

Unhinged from North Point Church on Vimeo.

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