Thursday, June 30, 2011

American History, textbook manipulations -David Barton on Focus On The Family

American History is one of those subjects that notoriously gets branded as "boring."  All students that have branded it this way, have done themselves a disservice since only by understanding the past can we make the most informed decisions in the future.

David Barton, described as an American Historian, has written several best-selling books, has founded an organization called Wallbuilders. He strives to educate Americans about the reality of American History that has been influenced, manipulated, and even blatantly OMITTED from our education system's textbooks. So many ethnic groups celebrate "heritage" and yet we as a nation have been removing and denying our own heritage as a Christian nation. Dave says things like The Mayflower Compact, once used to be in American textbooks, but now are nowhere seen. Why isn't it there, perhaps because it has this quote:
 "Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, "  
Notice the REASON cited for undertaking the voyage of independence in the first place?
We've allowed Government and those against Christianity to lie to our children long enough. Disagreeing with a belief system is one thing, but literally OMITTING content that would and should appear in textbooks is a far different matter. And this has had some horrible effects on even modern day policies and legislation.

This is a must hear FOF broadcast, part 1 of a 2 part series, and you WILL be astonished by some of the legal cases Dave mentions, things happening in today's world. And Dave's theory is that it is the omission and manipulation of American History textbooks that has in a large part led to this type of irrational and illogical legislative action. Dave notices something else in his observations, only Jesus seems to cause the controversy.  Also, the OMISSIONS are a new thing, 50 years ago people like Governor Morrison who once wrote that "Religion is the only solid basis for good morals." Who was Morrison? He was just the literal writer of the Constitution of the  United States. Among the court cases he mentions as being ridiculously in error because of this influence, is a case in which a man accused of a brutal murder, was set free despite overwhelming evidence because a verse of the Bible had been recited during the proceedings. Three of his books are linked next, as well as a freely downloadable Kindle version of the Mayflower Compact.
Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & WhiteThe American Heritage SeriesOriginal Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & ReligionThe Mayflower Compact

Please do yourself a favor and hear the broadcast.
Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Got Conflict? Restoring your marriage (or any relationship) through proper conflict handling

     We all have conflict with others. Basically if you aren't pulling a Tom Hanks being stranded on an island, ala Cast Away (2000), then you have the opportunity for conflict with another human. Focus on the Family has had guests Gary and Barbara Rosberg on air in a two part session, to discuss how good conflict handling actually betters a relationship, whereas the more common poor handling of it will hurt or even dissolve a relationship.

Some couples claim to never have conflict. But if there is an absence of conflict and an absence of intimacy then there's a real problem.  Simply "not talking about" issues isn't the same as "not having conflict."

So whether you're newly married, getting married, been married for along time, think you might get married, or simply have relationships with other people- these two broadcasts are amazingly worthwhile to digest and get value from. This is relationship saving, MARRIAGE SAVING type of stuff, that is definitely worth the small amount of time and basically no effort to listen to, and it's free to you.

Improving Communication in Your Marriage (Homebuilders Couples Series)Healing the Hurt in Your MarriageDivorce-Proof Your Marriage: 6 Secrets to a Forever MarriageRenewing Your Love: Devotions for CouplesThe 5 Sex Needs of Men & Women
Part 1

Part 2

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fear Not

There are times in life in which we live in fear. As I submit this, my family is in grips of a fear and uncertainty unlike anything I ever thought we would experience. I do not know what tomorrow has for me, whether horrible or good, and simply live day by day awaiting some ill fate.  But is this really any different then a 'normal' life. Not one of you knows what tomorrow will bring outside the promises of the Bible, and those of you that do not hold to the Word don't even have that.
In week 5 of a series entitled "Doors - finding God's Will" a very interesting factoid about the Bible is brought up. Tommy Sparger asks " do you know what the most frequent command in the Bible is?" He then proceeds to grant the answer, and it may surprise you.  I'll give you two words as a hint:  "Fear not"

Unhinged from North Point Church on Vimeo.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Doors Series @ NorthPoint Church in Springfield, MO

In Part 1 of the series entitled "Doors" Tommy Sparger presents some really good advice for making tough decisions (or even decisions that maybe you'd think wouldn't be so tough).  Sometimes we really agonize over some decisions.
Some questions to ask yourself as you prepare for making a big decision as you wonder about God's will include:
  1.  Do I have a relationship with God, and is it getting better every day
  2. Am I listening to God daily, or is obeying God my initial response to any 'small' decision in my daily life? You need your reflex to God's command to be to say "YES."
  3. Have I prayed sincerely and earnestly. 
  4. Do I have peace about the situation?
  5. Have you discussed it with someone you trust, someone that knows you and understands you in regards to the decision.
  6. Is the Word of God DAILY directing you? (you will of course need some familiarity with the Word of God for it to do so, so crack open that Bible on a daily basis and get in some scripture).
  7. Are you already following the things from the Bible that you know to be His will already?
Where is your current path GOING?  This question can be really enlightening, or a pretty strong reality check for you. I wonder how many people just drift along through life, thinking that their choices or lack there-of aren't taking them anywhere. The fact is, each one of us is ON a path, whether for good or bad. What you're doing right now is heading in some direction of life, so try to take a glance down your path and see if that direction is where you really wanna end up. If not, change your path, because the PATH trumps INTENTION. You may INTEND to live your life as someone that impacts the world, or to get close to God,  etc, but if you don't actually take action to set the path in such a direction, then the path is actually going to lead you somewhere else.

check out the full message:

Keymaker from North Point Church on Vimeo.

Friday, June 17, 2011


One of the number one arguments about what a non-believer says about believers is the claim that believers are "hypocrites."  Perhaps this is because for the ages, too many believers have pretended that they are inherently sin free, instead of constantly broadcasting that the only thing that is sin free is Jesus, the Savior.

Believers, for too long the mask of cleanliness has been worn to church, and even throughout your daily life for zealots of cleanliness. This only increases the 'hypocrite' issue for non-believers.  Lay down your mask, get real with your neighbor (fellow man), and create a relationship of intimacy with the world around you. Only then will you be able to properly radiate the true sin free Jesus that saved YOU,  and that will then be seen and felt by that neighbor you desire to reach.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God is Dead leads to Man eating own Child - Ravi Zacharias

     Ravi Zacharias has been blessed with the ability to communicate highly intellectual and philosophical ideas with a passion that draws the listener in. The following is a 4 part series and is quite powerful. The ramifications of the proclamation that "God is dead" is put in front of you with the visual of a man eating his own child (or in this case his child's clone, by form of placenta via a television stunt). This series isn't one to miss, hear and discover some things that may have gotten by you in this passed decade.
Below are the links to the four parts of his Effective Apologetics in the 21st Century lecture. You will be amazed by the things you hear in this lecture, including what happened to Nietzsche, the German philosopher that proclaimed "God is Dead" to discouraging things happening within Ivy league schools today and much more.
Has Christianity Failed You?Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian MessageThe End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists

Effective Apologetics in the 21st Century

Monday, June 6, 2011

from Focus on the Family
Presented is a message about marriage, but relating to that he also exposes that we have a culture in which boys are staying "boys" instead of growing into men when they should, and when people are sexually maturing even younger than thirteen and it really doesn't matter if that makes you uncomfortable or if you're in denial about it. Additionally he speaks of 'delaying marriage intentionally' as a sin, mainly pointing out the selfish nature of some to delay marriage until it is 'convenient' or until they think they're 'ready' or until they've done every selfish thing during an age of 'singleness.'
There are many must-hear points that Albert Mohler brings up in this message, definitely worth a listen.